Top MBA colleges with No Sectional Cut-offs in CAT

With CAT scores announced on 21st December 2022, MBA Colleges will soon start giving out calls for the next round of admission, which is the GD-PI round. This year, many aspirants found the DILR section tough CAT and hence were not able to score well in that section and missed out on the 80%ile sectional cutoff (used by many top colleges) for the same. However, the students who missed out on clearing the sectional cut-offs shouldn’t worry as there are many colleges that have no said sectional cut-off. Go through this article to find out the Top MBA Colleges you can target with no sectional Cut-offs: College Name College Fees, INR (in lakhs) Average Placement, INR (in lakhs) CAT Cut Offs in percentile (%ile) Faculty of Management Studies, FMS Delhi 2 32.4 99+ Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi 9.6 21.9 98+ Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, SIBM Pune 24.6 23.06 98+ (in SNAP) Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, SCMHRD Pune 23.75 20.4 97.5+(in SNAP) Vinod Gupta School Of Management, IIT Kharagpur 11.76 19.36 94+ Department of Management Studies, IIT Madras 8 16.6 96+ Department of Industrial and Management Engineering (IME), IIT Kanpur 3.6 16.61 95+ Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee 8.28 16.28 95+ Institute of Management, Ghaziabad (IMT-G) 19.53 15.28 92+ Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad (MICA) 21 19 85+ Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University 0.4 13.94 90+ IMI Delhi 21 15.48 90+ Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai 18.75 12.5 85+ Goa Institute of Management, Goa 18.07 12.4 87+ Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA) 11.7 14.33 85+ KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai 18.78 10.67 80+