GMAT exam- Know everything: Registration, Fees, Eligibility, Test, Syllabus

The GMAT exam is an entrance exam for Management and Business programs in prestigious colleges across the globe. It is conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) GMAT is a computer based adaptive exam, that means it adapts as per the ability of the test giver. This exam is essential to get an admission to your preferred B-school around the world. GMAT can be given 5 times in a rolling 12 month period and in total 8 times (life-time). There should be a gap of 16 days between any two attempts. This article covers all the important details related to the GMAT exam. What is GMAT exam? GMAT by GMAC is an aptitude test required for admission in a graduate management program. The GMAT exam is 3 hours 30 minutes long including test instructions and breaks. The exam can be taken online from the comfort of one’s home or from a test centre nearby. There are 650 testing centres in 114 countries taking the GMAT exam. It consists of four sections that test your writing, verbal, reasoning and quantitative ability. GMAT Exam Overview GMAT official website Entrance exam for MBA courses across INDIA and outside Conducting Body GMAC Exam Mode Computer based- adaptive test GMAT exam fees US $ 275 (INR 22,800 approx) Number of sections 4 GMAT Eligibility and criteria 2023 GMAT exam has no set eligibility as such. It is the college you are targeting that has an eligibility criteria. Other criteria is that the candidate should be at least 18 years old. GMAT Exam Fee Structure Exam Fees: INR 22,800/- ($275) Rescheduling Fees: If you reschedule exam:60 days before: $50 15 to 60 days prior: $100 1 to 14 days prior: $150 GMAT Registration and Dates for 2023: You can get yourself registered for GMAT 6 months prior to the test till 24 hours before the preferred test slot. The registration can be done online or through a phone call. You can select any exam date, as per the availability and convenience and can even reschedule your date. GMAT Exam Pattern and Syllabus: GMAT provides the flexibility of choosing the sequence of sections you want to The exam pattern of GMAT is as follows: Section No of Questions Time per section Description Integrated Reasoning (IR) 12 questions 30 minutes Two-part analysis, Multi source reasoning, Table Analysis, Graphics Interpretation Quantitative Reasoning (QR) 31 questions 62 minutes Math problem solving, Data Sufficiency Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) 1 topic 30 minutes Essay writing Verbal Reasoning 36 questions 65 minutes Reading Comprehension, Critical Reasoning, Sentence Completion Syllabus: Analytical Writing Assessment—measures candidates’ ability to think critically and communicate their ideasIntegrated Reasoning—measures candidates’ ability to analyse data and evaluate information presented in multiple formatsQuantitative Reasoning—measures aspirants’ ability to analyze data and draw conclusions using reasoning skillsVerbal Reasoning—measures the ability of the candidates to read and understand written material, evaluate arguments, and correct written material to conform to standard written English Important Note:Your GMAT Score is valid for 5 years. Top colleges and their GMAT cut-offs College Name GMAT score for Cut-Off Stanford University 737 Harvard University 729 Yale University 730 University of Chicago 730 University of Pennsylvania 730 Northwestern University 732 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 722 Dartmouth College 722 Colmubia College 724 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 720 To know more about any other exam, click on a link below:IIFT, NMAT, CAT, CMAT, SNAP, XAT